Thursday, April 26

this pain will continue .

after all day long he leaves me finally , he started texting me . happy , yeayyy ! :)
I told him I was still sick and upset ( needed him to fix it huhu . )
that's what he said to me today .. ,

don't be sick anymore ok . just keep sleeping ..

saya cuma bole katakan .. ,

act I can't  ..

 sobs :'(

I'm just sick of waiting . but never mind , I know I'll see him again . someday .. so , I'll stay strong , try my hardest to be happy and everyday make him proud of me because  I won't give up , ever , telling him that I miss him so much . every single day  ..


everything I had been upset about , I totally forgot when I got him . it feels so great ! *

Mr . I-Love-You  , morning .

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